Over the past two years, I've had the chance to integrate podcasting into my teaching. You can see our most recent podcasts on my podcastpeople website. Here are a few examples of what we've done:
Grammar Podcasts:
My grade 5 students did a wonderful job last year making podcasts that explained a variety of grammar elements in English Language Arts. They read a book about the grammar element and then they had to produce an explanation of their element for younger students in the school.
Meghan's Podcast on adverbs
Molly's Grammarcast on capitalization
"How To" Podcasts:
I found that a simple way to introduce podcasting to my Grade 4 students was to have them write "How To" speeches and then record them in Garage Band. They also had a chance to add some music to their podcasts. This was a great project to work on procedure writing. Here are a few examples:
Kim's How To Podcast
Zara's How To Podcast
Spencer J's How To Podcast
Snowman Podcasts:
My favourite project thus far has been our Snowman podcasting project. It was a great example of integrating technology into French Language Arts and Visual Art. I had the students work in groups to create a story about their snowmen that they had created in art class. We then photographed them in sequential order to go along with the story. They then worked together to narrate the photos in Garage Band and added some sound effects and music. Lastly, they saved them into a movie. The result was 7 "Snowman Podcasts" or "Les filmes des bonhommes de neige". We decided to hold a mini-film festival for other interested French Immersion classes in our school and gave all the students in attendance the chance to vote for their favourite podcast.
Their favourite podcast was:
Jordan, Kyle and Aaron's production of Le montagne mystérieux
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